Final Evaluationof the project “Strengthening Resilience to Violence Extremism” (STRIVE) in theHorn of Africa (2017)
The STRIVEproject in the Horn of Africa aimed to develop best practices to implement andmonitor activities to strengthen resilience against extremism and violence,primarily in Kenya, the Somaliland and Puntland regions in Somalia.
Theproject, which ran for 36 months from January 2014 to January 2017, interactedand worked with civil society organizations and government authorities, andemployed a number of tools and methods in its approach to PCVE.
CMC, incooperation with Tana, carried out the final evaluation of the project for theRoyal United Services Institute (RUSI), implementing the project on behalf ofthe European Union (EU). The report assessed the extent to which the projectactivities contributed to the overall objectives of the project, as well as tolearning, design, implementation, and delivery of future CVE programmes. In alarger context, the evaluation explored the extent to which STRIVE hadcontributed to international best practices and learning in the field of CVE, aswell as to building expertise in the field within the EU system.