Evaluation of GCERF's Strategy & Supported Projects in Bangladesh
Evaluation of GCERF supported grants in Bangladesh. GCERF is a global inter-governmental funding mechanism that provides local community support to prevent violent extremism.

Project Details

Evaluation of GCERF supported grants in Bangladesh. GCERF is a global inter-governmental funding mechanism that provides local community support to prevent violent extremism. The evaluation assessed the effectiveness of GCERF's strategy and its alignment with targeted beneficiaries, as well as the effectiveness of youth platforms in promoting tolerance and social interaction among different groups in the six project districts of Bangladesh: Rajshahi, Khulna, Chapai-Nawabganj, Satkhira, Cox’s Bazar, Chattogram.

Services Rendered

Evaluation team including local field team and enumerators. The evaluation used a combination of data collection methods, including desk review, key informant interviews, and in-depth interviews. The evaluation also reviewed and evaluated GCERF's Investment Strategy for Bangladesh (2019-2022), as well as the updated strategy (May 2022). The services provided was consulting services for program evaluation.

Services Rendered

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