Our Compound Risk Assessment Mapping (CRAM) for Somalia is designed to support the Somalia Stability Fund (SSF) in making informed, data-driven decisions. By analysing and layering multiple indicators — such as precipitation anomalies, flood and drought hazard risks, migration patterns, land productivity, transhumance routes, food price fluctuations, conflict incidents and more — the CRAM identifies areas where risks intersect and intensify. This integrated approach allows for more accurate planning and more strategic allocation of humanitarian and development resources.
With recent enhancements, the CRAM also processes near real-time data on rainfall (see figure 3.), market prices, and local security incidents, enabling shorter-term risk forecasts. By pinpointing hotspots where conflict, drought, and economic stress converge, SSF and its partners can respond proactively with targeted interventions. Furthermore, interactive mapping and dashboard tools (see figure 2.) help stakeholders visualise and explore these complex risk layers, strengthening coordination across government agencies, international organisations, and local communities.
The CRAM approach continues to evolve—incorporating near real-time data on precipitation, conflict, and food prices. By integrating these insights, SSF and partners can respond faster and more effectively, bolstering resilience and stability across Somalia.
For more information, please contact Head of PeaceTech, Kristian Svendsen:
Conflict Management Consulting (CMC)
Email: Kristian.Svendsen@cmc-consult.eu
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